To start this off, I figure I should have a quick recap of my life over the past few months...
It all started on December 23, 2009 when the love of my life finally popped the question that I had been eagerly waiting to hear.

Lanse and I were (and still are) so thrilled to be engaged!

Our lives have been busy since December planning for our wedding. We just finished the Countdown class for engaged couples with Legacy Ministries. Awesome. Our class met once a week for the past 6 weeks, and Lanse and I were able to learn a lot about each other. I HIGHLY recommend it for anyone that is planning on getting married! This past weekend we went on a couples retreat with our Countdown class to Salado and had the best time!
Here is our group at the retreat. Amazing people here.
This was a weekend Lanse and I will always remember. Great discussions, realizations, intimate times with the Lord and with each other, prayer, emotions, laughter, and good times with friends.
In the meantime, Lanse has decided that he needs to go back to school. After applying at several schools, Lanse was awarded a HUGE scholarship to Baylor University! If anyone knows my family, they know what big Baylor fans we all are, so there is NO doubt that we are all just ecstatic for Lanse!
So what does this mean? This means Lanse and I will be moving to Waco! Yep, all the Wilsons back in Waco together! :) Lanse will actually be moving in about a week to live with my parents and work for my dad until we get married. After he starts school in the fall, he will continue to work for my dad while he gets his Bachelors in Entrepaneurship. I will stay in Dallas until the wedding in July and then move to Waco after the wedding. Lanse is over-the-top excited about "moving to the country" as he likes to phrase it. Monday we will be house hunting. Pray that we find something we like!